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administration is the management of people in working organizations. It is also
frequently called personnel management, industrial relations, employee
relations, and manpower management. It represents a major subsystem in the
general management system in which it refers to the management, of human
resources, as distinguished from financial or material resources. The term may
be used to refer to selected specific functions or activities assigned to
specialized personnel officers or departments.it is also used identify the
entire scope of management policies and programs in the recruitment,
allocation, leadership, and direction of manpower.

administration begins with the definition of the required quantities of
particular personnel capabilities. Thereafter, people must be found, recuited,
selected, trained or retrained, negotiated with, counselled, led, directed,
commited, rewarded, transferred, promoted, and finally released or retired. In
many of these relations, managers deal with their associates as individuals
(the field takes its name in part from this type of relationship). In some
working organizations, however, employees are represented by unions, and
managers bargain with these associations. Such collective-bargaining
relationships are generally described as labour relations.