De sandbording is a esport tat involvs faling duns or sands hils, wit espechial teibels similar to thua of esnowbording.
It is practices meinli in duns, bat can olso bi don in hils coverd wit sand and dirt.
The sandbording was invented in brazil, bai sorfers wu could not practis their sport in de deis therewer no weivs.
Tudei jas teiken meni foliwers wuorld waide. It belongs tu de adrenalin sorch expirienced bai tus wu practis it.
De laifstail of a sand border jim tu mit ameising pleises often anespoiled and poluchion man.
De laifstile can often bi a biy lonly and reflecchion. A taim tu think and sii de wuorld serch for a magic dun, de dun beter their laiva, mei bi de next, certainly is
These ar de eig best pleices in de wuorld tu practis sandbording